Scalpel addicts: from aesthetics to obsession

Scalpel addicts: from aesthetics to obsession

The association between surgery and aesthetic frivolity emerges almost spontaneously. But the truth is that, properly understood, this branch of medicine can help many people overcome complex that prevented it from fully developed. In some cases, features such as an aquiline nose or ears, to name a few examples can lead a person to experience relationship problems or social phobia.

Therefore, it is important to understand the surgery and half for the normal development and not as the solution itself. These help the patient feel more comfortable with his own body and, from that, begins to operate in harmony with other aspects of their lives.

According to Dr. Marcelo Bernstein, plastic surgeon, there are clear differences between the logical changes that the patient can request that this is a whim or an obsession. According to the specialist, these patients often seek excessive transformations that are impossible to achieve on surgery. "For example, there are people who want to have a very small nose but their bone structure will not allow it. Similarly, others come to office with 120 kilos and pretend to leave surgery room with only 70 through Liposculpture."

Sometimes, it is also necessary that the expert makes use of both his ethics and his sense of aesthetics, it is worth the pun. "When approaching a woman who wants to have breasts Luciana Salazar, I must inform you that this can cause spine problems, and not at all harmonious. Many patients who have a breast reduction, draws half of the implants that the actress is placed, "says Dr. Bernstein.


Ethics versus aesthetics

However, according to the specialist, for many women, this type of surgery is really needed. "Contrary to popular belief, most are not looking too but a delight in keeping your body or simply trying to repair the negative changes of the product over time, for example, after giving breastfeed their children," he adds.

"We must not forget that, above all, the plastic surgeon is a physician. So, in a first visit, the practitioner should perform a clinical and psychological examination of the patient. If necessary, also called interconsultations," says Bernstein.

Once the fear of "suffering" pain the days after the intervention, another question arises: How can the results goes of it being natural and not as a design multiplied as paintings by Andy Warhol?

According to Bernstein, this depends on skill of the surgeon, his knowledge of anatomy and particularly their aesthetic. For him, the doctor must first be an artist, you have to know modeling, sculpting.

According to Dr. Bernstein, "when a person is subjected to a Rhinoplasty, the result has to be natural. The ideal is that friends and family do not notice that the patient was operated, but confuse change with a haircut or having thinned. To achieve this, each nose should be modified according to his skull and other factions. "Surgeon stresses the importance of this: "the face is the letter and the nose is the first thing you see, as it protrudes from the rest of the features."

Wanting more

Marcelo Bernstein speak for the possibility that a patient will become addicted to cosmetic surgery, to the same degree that anyone can become dependent on food, alcohol or gambling. It is the responsibility of the physician to detect when it becomes a pathology, and decide whether to operate or not," he concludes.

Also, behind this unreasonable and illogical attempt to "improve" some bodily feature can hide more than self-esteem in a free fall. Sometimes it is a table called psychiatric dismorfobia, closely related to the so-called obsessive-compulsive disorder and delusions similar to those suffered by anorexia, which may be stunted, but they are fat.

The truth is that while physical beauty has always been valued and praised, now has become a paramount importance, especially in Western culture. It is therefore essential for each applied ethics and the professional contention that it provides to its patients as individuals.

Depending on the emotional balance of each of their maturity and rationality of the order to make the surgeon, the physical change will be whether or not the starting point to a fuller life.

It is also important to consider other alternatives to cosmetic interventions: to accept the old, proud of the asymmetries of their anatomy, exercises regularly, stay active, improve the form of food and, especially, not giving more importance to the aesthetics of we actually have.




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