Chin Implant

Chin Implant

It is considered beautiful when, seen from the side, the chin and the lower lip are vertically aligned.
Makes it look more masculine or feminine look, according to the standards of proportion and harmony prescribed for each sex


Performed under local anesthesia, the placement may be endobucal or via a small incision at the base of the jaw, leaving a nearly imperceptible scar, it does not require post-operative hospitalization, can be performed in conjunction with other interventions ( Rhinoplasty).

The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, the results are immediate and lasting. It uses a small bandage and tape for a week after surgery to achieve a correct setting and help reduce the edema.


Your profile will be much more harmonious and proportionate. It is very likely that no one will realize that you have an implant under your skin: you will simply look much better and no one will be able to put the finger on what the difference is.




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