Breast reduction:

Breast reduction:

It is the surgical reduction of the size of the breasts to improve their shape and location when they are large or very large (gigantomachia).   Usually the large size of the breast is accompanied by significant weight problems with the consequent stretching of the skin (appearance of stretch marks)

The exaggerated size of the breast can bring these problems:

Ø        Spine problems.

Ø        Cervical pain.

Ø        Alterations in posture

Ø        Injuries to the skin of the shoulders that bear the important weight that the bra supports. 

Ø        Skin lesions at the submammary fold was observed (irritation, infections)

Ø        Vicious position of the back and shoulders.

Ø        Psychological complexes.


Breast reduction can be performed after completion of the development and growth, is usually done under general anesthesia and requires one day of hospitalization, is not an intervention or post-operative pain with the administration of appropriate analgesics.

There are many surgical techniques to reduce the size of the breast, the experienced plastic surgeon will choose the most appropriate that best suits each case.

Routine requests apart from the pre-surgical tests and a mammogram or breast ultrasound.

Breast reduction surgery brings much happiness to the patient to improve their aesthetics and eliminate the symptoms. The incisions are then the location of the scars can be placed:

1) only around the areolas.

2) Around the areolas with a vertical line extending from the bottom of this until submammary fold was observed.

3) Same as above, plus a horizontal level submammary fold was observed (t scar inverted).

In patients of Caucasian skin (white) healing is generally good, if the size of the areola is large or asymmetric center can be reduced and at the same time during surgery.

The duration of breast reduction surgery varies between 1 - 3.5 hours, depending on the choose technique y size.


Drains can be placed and taken out at 24-48hs to avoid hematomas. A can begin 4-5 days with daily life without physical effort and physical exercises andalusia months

The delicate stitches are removed after 7-14 days, is indicated by a month or more using a comfortable sports bra that helps retrain the tissues to the new position and shape.


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